I prefer square thumbnails and noticed that the thumbnails on the Solano Systems site appear to have been cropped slightly rather than squeezed disproportionately. I just want to make sure that this "squareing option" will be available in the upcoming version of Plogger.
How about uploading your own thumbnails? I've made all my own by hand for years as I'm rather picky about the cropped "hook" that brings people into the larger image.
I'd like to see an option to set the thumbnail prefix, and upload our own thumbs (that would over-ride the generated thumbs).
You can of course simply upload your thumbnail images with correct names and make them not writable by the web server and this would probably give you the result you want. But, frankly, doing it this way is far from elegant.
A more sensible solution is not exactly easy to implement with the current architecture. Maybe this is going to be possible at some point in the future.
>You can of course simply upload your thumbnail images with correct names and make them not writable by the web server and this would probably give you the result you want.
I looked into that, but saw that the thumbnails were pre-pended with a sequence number that is impossible to predict ahead of time, and time-consuming to replicate. ouch!