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    • CommentAuthorPieperLy
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2008 edited

    how can i use a different title for pages in albums?
    now, it's so:
    title: Wallpapers » Flowers

    for 50 flowersites the same title: Wallpapers » Flowers

    how can i use in title:
    Wallpapers » Flowers » Page 2
    Wallpapers » Flowers » Page 3
    Wallpapers » Flowers » Page 4

    or so:
    Wallpapers » Flowers » 2
    Wallpapers » Flowers » 3
    Wallpapers » Flowers » 4

    reagards from germany
    • CommentAuthorbilel
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2008 edited
    We already changed this feature :-) see on my old post

    As you can see on my Djerba Gallery, I've different titles on every page ! And uniques pages descriptions for every picture and album :-)

    I was busy during 4 months, and as I promised, I will publish my full plogger seo pack as soon as possible.

    The unique problem now is the full picture url ! It's looks easy but it's complicated.
    I could use pic caption like this
    but there is a URL encoding problem !

    You can also verify my indexed pictures on google ! Click here
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2008
    PieperLy and bilel -

    This solution has already been implemented in the latest SVN version (see Kasper's remarks in the thread bilel linked to), and will be included in the next release.

    bilel - You are most welcome to post your Plogger seo pack, but please be sure to base it on the latest SVN version, not an older version of Plogger. I would recommend posting a tutorial on how to edit the current Plogger code to implement your changes, rather than a zip download of the entire gallery codebase. If there are changes made to the codebase and your zip file isn't updated, people would be downloading an outdated version. Thanks! :)
    • CommentAuthorPieperLy
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2008 edited
    hello kimparsell,

    i've download and testing the there isn't a solution for this problem, that i describe at the top.
    on bilels gallery only few pics (at most 7 pics on album), without pagination for pictures, so not arising the problem in bilels gallery. on bilels gallery also missing the trailing slash on all sites.
    on trunk573 i use the titles and descriptions with code from sidtheduck in head.php from this thread:

    ps: on trunk 585 the comments function with and without captcha don't work. comments are shows, but it gives a error to missing variable 'url'... and reload block don't work, so that a relaod of site the comment doubles
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2008

    If you are up to r585, this should work for you. Open 'plog-includes/plog-functions.php' and find the following lines of code (at the bottom of the generate_title() function around line ):
    return $breadcrumbs;
    and edit it to read:
    if ($GLOBALS['plogger_level'] != '404' ||
    $GLOBALS['plogger_level'] != 'search' ||
    $GLOBALS['plogger_level'] != 'slideshow') {
    if (isset($_GET['plog_page'])) {
    $breadcrumbs .= ' » '.plog_tr('Page').' '.$_GET['plog_page'];

    return $breadcrumbs;
    • CommentAuthorPieperLy
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2008 edited
    hehe, its cool, working fine, thank you very much.

    ps: plogger turn better and better :-)
    • CommentAuthorAaron
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2011
    yea you are right its working great.
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