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    • CommentAuthorcebuy
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2005
    I love this script except for one thing. It does not give you the option to resize the image to a certain size upon upload and lacks a bulk upload feature. Anyone have a mod for this?
    • CommentAuthorjack
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2005
    Someone is already working on some kind of resizing (, and what do you mean with bulk upload? You can use the import function for this very well. Gives you even the chance to split all the images to different albums in steps.
    • CommentAuthorcebuy
    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2005
    What I would really like is for the original uploaded image to resize to the "large thumbnail" size, then be deleted immediately following that upload, and for the "large thumbnail" not to link anywhere else. I think I can tweak this script for removing the last link, but I would like a way to delete the original image. Reason being is that I would like to save hosting space. Digital photos can really eat up our space fast and all I need is maybe 500 width 'large thumbnail' images. Anyone have any code ideas to do this?
    • CommentAuthorcebuy
    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2005
    I see what you mean on the upload now.
    • CommentAuthorFernan
    • CommentTimeDec 28th 2005
    Hi al, I have the same problem, I need resize the upload image, I read the post of Nick C (, but he not post how can made it, I only need resize upload images, anyone know how can made it?

    PD: Sorry for my english, I need help with this.
    • CommentAuthormiri
    • CommentTimeAug 7th 2006
    Here's what I did (my line numbers might not match up because I've changed sooo much).

    In plog-fuctions.php, find this around line 55:
    $prefix = $thumb_config['filename_prefix'] . $prefix . "-";
    $thumbpath = $config['basedir'] . 'thumbs/'.$prefix.$base_filename;
    $thumburl = $config['baseurl'] . 'thumbs/'.$prefix.$base_filename;

    And change to:
    if ($type == 'large') {
    $prefix = '';
    $thumbpath = $path;
    $thumburl = $path;
    } else {
    $prefix = $thumb_config['filename_prefix'] . $prefix . "-";

    $thumbpath = $config['basedir'] . 'thumbs/'.$prefix.$base_filename;
    $thumburl = $config['baseurl'] . 'thumbs/'.$prefix.$base_filename;


    In plog-admin-functions.php find the following (around line 69 for me):

    // Get the EXIF data.
    $exif_raw = read_exif_data_raw($final_fqfn);
    $exif = array();

    And, just before it, place an extra line so that you end up with:

    $final_fqfn = generate_thumb($final_fqfn, '','large');

    // Get the EXIF data.
    $exif_raw = read_exif_data_raw($final_fqfn);
    $exif = array();

    Then, in the same file, just before the function return, find this:
    $thumbpath = generate_thumb($picture_path, $result['picture_id'],'small');
    $thumbpath = generate_thumb($picture_path, $result['picture_id'],'large');

    and replace it with:
    $thumbpath = generate_thumb($picture_path, $result['picture_id'],'small');
    //I don't want a large thumb - I want my large thumb to be the full-sized image
    //$thumbpath = generate_thumb($picture_path, $result['picture_id'],'large');

    Lastly, I changed the display in gallery.php to remove the link to the large size image so that I ended up with:
    $output .= '
    <div id="picture-holder">'.$imgtag.'
    (My line number will be WAY off on that for you - hunt for the first instance of "picture-holder" in the file.)