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    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2005 edited
    A very powerful and handy feature of Plogger is the integrated support for Gallery Remote protocol. Gallery Remote ( was developed to upload files to Gallery, but Plogger was written with support for the Remote protocol. So for those with absolutely tons of pictures, this might even be easier than using the Upload function. Who knew?

    So, if you haven't yet tried it, download Gallery Remote (or any program based on the Gallery protocol) and have a look.

    • CommentAuthorshmuel
    • CommentTimeJul 11th 2007
    This would indeed be a great feature. In fact it's one of the reasons I selected Plogger to replace Gallery's bloated self. BUT the version of Gallery Remote implemented seems to be an antiquated version that is no longer implemented in most tools. Personally I would love to use the iPhototoGallery plugin available here: This would keep my wife happyily ignorant of ftp et al. Unfortunately it appears that this tool (like many of the others) has moved on to the latest (although not bleeding edge by any stretch of the imagination) version of the Gallery protocal.

    I'd love to see an update to this part of Plogger.