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    • CommentAuthoravboven
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2005
    Hi, I love the plogger gallery and have it up and running for some weeks now. However, I want to put the title of the last added picture on my homepage of my website. Something like : ´Last added picture : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - (date)´

    For this to use it would be nice if i could use the rss system.

    How can I get the last image title out of the (or adjusted) rss creator ?

    thx, Aad
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2005
    I would suggest waiting for Beta 3. It's got a function to display or otherwise recall the last pictures added. It would be markedly simple to apply to your needs.

    • CommentAuthoravboven
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2005
    I will wait for Beta 3 ! When is it due for release ?

    cheers, Aad
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2005 edited
    You can download a preview at, but is unsupported and not guaranteed to be stable. If that freaks you out, Beta 3 should be released within a month or two, though Mike and Anti could give you a better idea.

    • CommentAuthoravboven
    • CommentTimeDec 4th 2005 edited
    Ok, got it working with an other available (dutch) PHP script:

    lastRSS usage DEMO 2
    This example shows, how to
    - create lastRSS object
    - set transparent cache
    - get RSS file from URL
    - access and show fields of the result

    // include lastRSS
    include "./lastRSS.php";

    // Create lastRSS object
    $rss = new lastRSS;

    // Set cache dir and cache time limit (1200 seconds)
    // (don't forget to chmod cahce dir to 777 to allow writing)
    $rss->cache_dir = './temp';
    $rss->cache_time = 1200;

    // Try to load and parse RSS file
    if ($rs = $rss->get('')) {
    // Show website logo (if presented)
    if ($rs[image_url] != '') {
    echo "<a href="$rs[image_link]"><img src="$rs[image_url]" alt="$rs[image_title]" vspace="1" border="0" /></a><br />n";

    // Show last published articles (title, link, description)

    foreach($rs['items'] as $item) {
    $datum = substr($item['pubDate'],5,11);
    echo "t<a href="$item[link]">".$item['title']."</a> - <font size="1"> (".$datum.")</font> ";

    else {
    echo "...helaas niet beschikbaar. n";


    The Plogger RSS-feed generator is very slow... It can take op to 20 seconds for the server to generate the xml-code. And the server is not a small one...

    Any way to speed things up ?

    thx, Aad
    • CommentAuthoravboven
    • CommentTimeDec 4th 2005
    Ok, yet another step further....

    Now I know why it is so slow... it is generating all the RSS-thumbs again with every RSS-request.

    But I do not need the images... have to find a way to disable the thumb generations..

    cheers, Aad
    • CommentAuthoravboven
    • CommentTimeDec 4th 2005
    Found the solution ! :

    Find this line of code in plog-rss.php:

    $thumbpath = generate_thumb($row['path'],$row['id'],'rss');

    Put two slashes in front of it (making it a remark):

    // $thumbpath = generate_thumb($row['path'],$row['id'],'rss');

    Thumbnail generation for the RSS feed is now disabled !

    cheers, Aad
    • CommentTimeDec 4th 2005
    Avboven, note that the thumbnails are only generated the first time the RSS feed is requested. Subsequent requests for the feed will use the cached images.
    • CommentAuthoravboven
    • CommentTimeDec 9th 2005
    Hi Mike, unfortunately, that is not the case. With every RSS request the thumbnails are generated again. I have checked and see a the creation time of the thumbnails being the last request time of the RSS-feed.

    probably a bug...

    cheers, Aad