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    • CommentAuthorandrewjs18
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2009 edited
    Trying to figure out how to close the gap between the photo and the bottom HR below the breadcrumb as seen in the attached photo (where the black box is)

    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2009

    I would recommend downloading Firefox as a browser (if you aren't already) and installing the Firebug plug-in (or other web developer toolbars). This allows you to click the "Inspect" tool and hover over spaces like these to determine what HTML entity this is and the CSS rules showing padding, margin, height, etc. that could be causing the issue. If you post a link to your site instead of a screenshot, I can look with my installation of Firefox/Firebug and let you know which CSS rules are causing this.
    • CommentAuthorandrewjs18
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2009

    Here's the link:

    after using firebug, it looks like the gap is in gallery.css for the following code:

    but if I change the margin to 0 and put the padding to 0, it just adjusts the next/previous buttons, not close the gap.
    • CommentTimeJul 4th 2009
    andrewjs18: The gap is caused by the html code remaining in the theme that is used for displaying the caption and date above the prev/next links.

    Apparently you aren't using either of those, but you did not remove the table that was used to display the data, and the table is what's causing the gap.

    Open picture.php and remove the following lines (should be lines 18-23):

    <table id="caption-date-table">
    <td><h2 id="picture-caption"><?php echo plogger_get_picture_caption(); ?></h2></td>
    <td class="align-right"><h2 class="date"><?php echo plogger_get_picture_date()?></h2></td>
    </table><!-- /caption-date-table -->

    You'll also need to edit the gallery.css file for that theme and copy/paste the following code, replacing the existing code (lines 176-179):

    #caption-date-table, #prev-next-table { /* containers for the caption, date and prev/next links above the large image in picture view */
    width: 600px;
    margin: 10px auto 5px;

    This will even out the gap between the horizontal line and the prev/next links.

    After making the changes, save both files and reupload them to your server.

    Please let us know if this resolves the issue for you.
    Posted By: kimparsellandrewjs18:The gap is caused by the html code remaining in the theme that is used for displaying the caption and date above the prev/next links.

    Apparently you aren't using either of those, but you did not remove the table that was used to display the data, and the table is what's causing the gap.

    Open picture.php and remove the following lines (should be lines 18-23):

    <table id="caption-date-table">
    <td><h2 id="picture-caption"><?php echo plogger_get_picture_caption(); ?></h2></td>
    <td class="align-right"><h2 class="date"><?php echo plogger_get_picture_date()?></h2></td>
    </table><!-- /caption-date-table -->

    You'll also need to edit the gallery.css file for that theme and copy/paste the following code, replacing the existing code (lines 176-179):

    #caption-date-table, #prev-next-table { /* containers for the caption, date and prev/next links above the large image in picture view */
    width: 600px;
    margin: 10px auto 5px;

    This will even out the gap between the horizontal line and the prev/next links.

    After making the changes, save both files and reupload them to your server.

    Please let us know if this resolves the issue for you.

    yep, it did!

    Thanks a bunch!
    • CommentTimeJul 5th 2009
    You're welcome. :)