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    Hello friends,
    i've been facing problems with google indexing my pics from logn time.

    In this link(Google Image search i can see only 64 pics indexed(all pics placed out of plogger) and i total i have 8000+ pics.

    i ran through this forum and found This LInk
    and changed the code as said by sid, but still google dint index my pics(i waited long enough before posting here).

    can anyone help me fix this issue? sid the duck in particular :-)
    its been 5days and no one even cared to respond :-(

    please give me a suggestion to make google index my images
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2009

    My guess (and it is only a guess) is that your images aren't being indexed because it looks like you have the default beta3 cruft-free URLs that still have the .jpg extension for the intermediate image page. Google finds these pages and assumes they are images, but there are no image headers associated with them. What I mean to say is that is assumed as an image, but it is actually an HTML page, so Google doesn't know what to do with it. You should be able to update this by upgrading to the latest SVN code, but this may have a slight hit on your SEO since all of your URLs will change and your old ones will result in a 404 error. In the long run, it will help your SEO (as much as I know about it) and will allow your images to be indexed.

    I do not know why they are not being indexed and this is only my guess. I am not an SEO expert and that is why I did not provide my suggestion earlier as this may not fix the issue either. Just so you know, the generic URLs for Plogger result in a Google Image indexing ->
    sid thanks a lot for the help. restructured now and waiting for google to respond