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    • CommentAuthorchewbears
    • CommentTimeJul 13th 2009
    Is there anyway to make the intermediate photos static? I was thinking about this while I was responding to the post and also think it could be a valuable addition. I often give out weblinks to pictures in our collections but if the image is taken down to edit etc and reposted only the full size picture stays. I am not low on space so if making the intermediate photos is the only way that would be fine too, but first is it possible?

    2nd questions
    Is there anyways to have X thumbs appear below the intermediate picture? and act so that if one is clicked it goes to that picture?
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2009 edited
    Hi chewbears,

    I'll attempt to answer your questions: :D

    Posted By: chewbearsIs there anyway to make the intermediate photos static? I was thinking about this while I was responding to the post and also think it could be a valuable addition. I often give out weblinks to pictures in our collections but if the image is taken down to edit etc and reposted only the full size picture stays. I am not low on space so if making the intermediate photos is the only way that would be fine too, but first is it possible?
    The Intermediate images are static (to a point) once they have been generated. They are just located within the thumbs/ directory instead of the /images directory (with the current SVN codebase, they are even in the same folders) and are based off of the picture id (so if you remove an image, then reupload, the prefix id will change, but the rest of the filename stays the same). This is needed in case a user wants to change the size of the intermediate thumbnails at a later date (if a theme is changed, etc.). The issue comes when an image is uploaded for the first time and someone has not viewed the image in the gallery. You can have Plogger automatically create the intermediate image on upload / import by uncommenting this line in the add_picture() function of plog-admin-functions.php:
    //$thumbpath = generate_thumb($picture_path, $result['picture_id'],THUMB_LARGE);
    change it to:
    $thumbpath = generate_thumb($picture_path, $result['picture_id'],THUMB_LARGE);

    Posted By: chewbearsIs there anyways to have X thumbs appear below the intermediate picture? and act so that if one is clicked it goes to that picture?
    Take a look at the "Air" theme for an example using the Thumbnail Navigation functions that are already coded into Plogger. You have to set the Admin -> Option settings for Thumbnail Navigation and then add the:
    <?php echo plogger_get_thumbnail_nav(); ?> function call to your picture.php file.
    • CommentAuthorchewbears
    • CommentTimeJul 21st 2009 edited
    Sid thanks yet again for the helpful answers. I have 2 additional questions about the second part, thumbnail_nav. How would I set that function up to do the following things.

    1. Highlight the indermediate picture's thumbnail on the the navigation strip so people knew where they were or what photo they were looking at and secondly

    2. How could I change the thumbnail nav to display a certain amount of pictures only?

    EDIT: Also Sid, am I leaving the "THUMBSMALL" uncommented (going back to the OP my first question?) As it stood when I opened up the Admin function was the small was uncommented and the large was commented. I removed the large // but then do I put // on the small or am I all set with both uncommented.

    • CommentTimeJul 21st 2009
    Hi chewbears,

    I'll try to answer your new questions as well. :D Please note that I am currently updating the thumbnail navigation function so it may work out better for you. It seemed a little weird how it functioned in the first place, so I'm editing it and wish to get people's feedback. If you would like to see the new thumbnail navigation function as it is currently working, see here

    Posted By: chewbears1. Highlight the indermediate picture's thumbnail on the the navigation strip so people knew where they were or what photo they were looking at and secondly
    The function gives the current images' thumbnail the class of "current", so just add a rule to your CSS rules. For my example above, the rule is:
    #thumb-nav li.current img, #thumb-nav li.current img:hover {
    background: #01b4e2;

    Posted By: chewbears2. How could I change the thumbnail nav to display a certain amount of pictures only?
    This is determined in the Admin -> Options title "Thumbnail Navigation Range:". However, the beta3 version (and current SVN version 601) use that many pictures to either side of the current image. If there are not that many pictures before or after the image, it loops back around the array. For example, if I have 5 pictures total and I set my Thumbnail Navigation Range to 4, it will put the current image in the middle and add 4 images to either side of the current image. If I'm currently on image #2, it will add previous to that picture #1, #5, #4, #3 and after that picture it will add #3, #4, #5, #1. This is the part about that function that I never really cared for, so my updated function stops that. If you use the same Options, but with the new function, the display would have #2 as the current picture, previous to that it would have #1, and after that it would have #3, #4 which would show 4 Navigation thumbnails total without a wraparound instead of to either side.
    As another visual comparison, the existing function outputs:
    #3, #4, #5, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #1
    and the new function outputs:
    #1, #2, #3, #4

    If you want the updated code, I can send you the new function to replace the old one if you like.

    Posted By: chewbearsEDIT: Also Sid, am I leaving the "THUMBSMALL" uncommented (going back to the OP my first question?) As it stood when I opened up the Admin function the small was uncommented and the large was commented. I removed the large // but then do I put // on the small or am I all set with both uncommented.
    You are fine with both uncommented. This just means that both the small and the intermediate thumbnails will be generated when you upload the file and it is added to the album instead of the first time the user looks at the gallery.
    • CommentAuthorchewbears
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2009 edited

    The Thumbnail navigation in your example is exactly what I would like!!! I am so impressed with how you all are developing plogger. You can e-mail me function or post it up here. I an excited to try it out!

    For the hover your CSS rule function. It only needs to be in the css file? Sorry someone here at the office does all the style sheet stuff and I know very little. Thanks

    Will I need to update to 601 svn to get the above to work?