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    • CommentAuthorAnnie
    • CommentTimeSep 20th 2009
    I am using the default theme in version 3.2 and would like to know how to show only a shortened version of the picture caption (ie. it cuts off if it gets too long) on the album pages like it does in the lucid theme.
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2009
    I'm not sure because I do not know what version of the lucid theme you are using. Can you post the contents of the 'album.php' file from the Lucid theme and I can show you the relevant code that shortens the caption.
    • CommentAuthorAnnie
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2009
    Here is the Lucid code:

    print '<div id="thumbnail_container">';
    if (plogger_has_pictures()) {
    print '<div id="overlay">&nbsp;</div>';
    print '<ul class="slides">';

    while(plogger_has_pictures()) {


    // display thumbnails within album
    // generate XHTML with thumbnail and link to picture view.
    // find thumbnail width
    $thumb_info = plogger_get_thumbnail_info();
    $thumb_width = $thumb_info[0]; // The width of the image. It is integer data type.
    $li_width = $thumb_width + 10; // account for padding/border width

    $capt = plogger_get_picture_caption();
    $img_id = "thumb-".plogger_get_picture_id();
    $imgtag = '<img id="' . $img_id
    . '" onmouseout="document.getElementById(\'overlay\').style.visibility = \'hidden\';"
    onmouseover="display_overlay(\''.$img_id.'\', \''.plogger_picture_comment_count().'\')" class="photos"
    src="'.plogger_get_picture_thumb().'" title="'.$capt.'" alt="'.$capt.'" />';

    print '<li style="width: '.$li_width.'px"class="thumbnail"><a href="' . plogger_get_picture_url() . '">' . $imgtag . "</a>";

    print plogger_download_checkbox(plogger_get_picture_id());

    print '<div class="tag">' . $capt . '</div></li>';

    print '</ul>';
    print '<div id="no-pictures-msg">There are no pictures in this album.</div>';

    print '</div>';