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    • CommentAuthorAnnie
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009 edited
    I'd like to place my Plogger gallery and the rest of my website on a DVD Rom and was wondering whether there was an easy way to convert the php output pages to html pages. I am a novice when it comes to php and I don't know anything about web servers.
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009 edited

    The only way I know of at the moment to output your gallery to html is to save each file or use some sort of local website caching software (just a quick Google search turned up this program or the Scrapbook Firefox extension, but I've never used either). If I had some time, I could code something up to export each file as .html files, but I don't have a lot of time at the moment. PHP is a dynamic system, so it won't work to just drop your files onto a CD / DVD either. If you wanted to create a dynamic system for use on CD / DVD / flash drive, you would need to download XAMPP or EasyPHP or something like that that to create a virtual server environment on the removable media itself that the user would have to run before viewing the files. This would allow the dynamic PHP script to run as well as run the MySQL database, etc.

    Hope that helps you to understand.
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009
    Annie: Are you wanting to do this so that someone can view the pages from your website by playing the DVD, or are you trying to do a backup of your website files so you can restore it if need be?
    • CommentAuthorAnnie
    • CommentTimeOct 20th 2009
    I will look at those programs sidtheduck.

    kimparsell, my objective is to save my family history website onto DVD so that it is complete in itself for the future whether or not I still have a web site. Of course there's always the concern that things in the computer world move on rapidly but I can't anticipate everything - I'll have to leave it for future generations if I'm no longer around to figure out how to convert the information to the latest format!