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    plogger_get_picture_description() is not working in the search.php with lightbox.but its working properly in the album.php with lightbox.why is it so???
    let me explain my problem
    Iam using VERSION: 1.0-RC1 and using lightbox too in my gallery I had successfully integrated lightbox in my gallery in the page album.php but the problem is with search.php.Almost all the code are same for search.php and album.php I could display description in lightbox in album.php properly but can't display description in light box in search.php. why this happens.the code Iam using are same for both the pages(search.php & album.php) ,that is as follows at line17
    after the line $imgtag = '<img id="'.$img_id.'".............
    I coded
    $capt = htmlspecialchars(plogger_get_picture_caption());
    $desc = htmlspecialchars(plogger_get_picture_description());
    and at line 22 I wrote as
    <?php print '<li class="thumbnail"><a title="'.$capt.'&lt;br /&gt;'.$desc.'" href="' . plogger_get_picture_thumb(THUMB_LARGE). '"rel="lightbox">' . $imgtag . "</a>";?>
    everything is working but why my plogger_get_picture_description() is not working in search.php with lightbox only
    can anybody help me plz.i couldn't find out whats going wrong in search.php
    Any body help please...............
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2009 edited

    This has to do with the function plogger_init_search() found in plog-functions.php. You need to find this line of code (starting at line 2006 in the current code):
    $result = run_query("SELECT `caption`,`path`,p.`id`,c.`comment`,
    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date_submitted`) AS `unix_date_submitted` ".$query."
    GROUP BY p.`id` ORDER BY `$sortby` $sortdir LIMIT $from, $limit");

    and change it to this:
    $result = run_query("SELECT p.*,c.`comment`,
    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date_submitted`) AS `unix_date_submitted` ".$query."
    GROUP BY p.`id` ORDER BY `$sortby` $sortdir LIMIT $from, $limit");

    That should work for you.
    Thankful People: sarigamanakodam