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    • CommentAuthorfxfxfx
    • CommentTimeOct 27th 2009
    Hi there.

    How does plogger maintain a visitor's chosen sorting order, when they change it manually?

    I suppose it is done via a cookie?

    Is this cookie defined in plogger-functions.php or elsewhere?

    I need to alter the naming of the cookie, since I run two galleries on two subdomains to the same top-domain. Right now, the settings a user have on the one gallery is reapplied to the other gallery. I hope to circumvent this, by naming one of the installations' cookie settings differently. Any help in locating where to tamper with Plogger sorting order cookies is highly appreciated. Thanks.

    • CommentTimeOct 27th 2009

    The sort order is done via a session cookie, so theoretically, the variables should not pass between a domain and a subdomain. Also, the setting does not continue to be saved once the user ends their session (closing their browser). When they revisit the page, it should revert back to the default gallery setting you set in Admin -> Options.
    • CommentAuthorfxfxfx
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2009
    Hi Sid.

    Thanks for your response.

    The setup I have is (fictional) and So it is the same domain, but with separate subdirectories which eash has their own installation of plogger and separate MYSQL database.

    Most users will visit gallery1 and then gallery 2. With the same non-closed browser. Hence, the sorting disorder appears, as the galleries are configured differently in regards to sorting order.

    I hope this clarifies how and why the problem occurs. I hope for further problem-solving response. Thanks in advance.

    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2009 edited
    okay, so they are subdirectories, not subdomains. In that case, you will need to do a search / replace for $_SESSION['plogger_sortby'] and $_SESSION['plogger_sortdir'] which should be located in plogger.php, plog-load-config.php, and plog-includes/plog-functions.php
    • CommentAuthorfxfxfx
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2009
    Thanks for taking the time to help out, Sid.
