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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentAuthorclarjon1
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2009
    Hi there,
    I've just gotten the latest Plogger installed, and i have a question:
    Why is lightbox enabled for the Admin, but not for the default gallery/themes? It's not exactly the easiest thing to put a lightbox in for the gallery, perhaps future releases could include lightbox-enabled themes alongside the non-lightbox themes? I would be VERY appreciative of that.
    • CommentAuthorclarjon1
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
    Ah, got it working, seems the default had a very rarely used id/class called overlay, which interfered with the one in lightbox... a simple edit of the css and the page that displays the individual image fixed it up and lightbox worked like a charm!
    • CommentAuthorKleidi
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009
    Can you help us to figure out how u resolve that issue, pls ? ;)
    • CommentAuthorclarjon1
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009 edited
    Oh, yes, of course
    It's very simple:
    Install the stuff that goes into the <head></head> tags (css/javascript references etc) into the head.php
    then, open up the album.php file, and change where it says div id="overlay" to something similar (i used overlayd)
    then change overlay in the "document.getElementById" bit a few lines below to the same thing.
    Then, open gallery.css, and find #overlay, and change it to say the same thing as the previous entries (#overlayd for me)

    Voila! Lightbox integrated, and with the fading background working to boot!

    The reason why this is needed is because both album.php and lightbox use an ID called "overlay", and because it gets defined first in gallery.php, it becomes non-functional in lightbox. 3 Changes, as simple as adding 3 letters, and the 'fade out' effect is functional.

    I personally did it this way because i figured it'd be easier to edit the theme, rather than lightbox, if i were to upgrade/change the lightbox installed