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    • CommentAuthorabhinav
    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2009 edited

    I have installed plogger 1.0 RC1 successfully today and overall its working quite well!
    However, in lucid theme while adding comments the captcha image is not
    generated properly (checkout the following) :


    Also, when I tried to comment the captcha code and use the form
    simply then I got the following error message:

    Comment did not post due to the following errors:
    ? Spam token missing or does not match!

    I also got the same error message after switching to default 'classic' theme.
    For the time being I have disabled the user comments and would
    really appreciate any help to make it working!!!


    • CommentTimeNov 1st 2009

    Please read this post and see if it is the same issue you are dealing with.