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    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeNov 8th 2009 edited

    Plogger seems to work fine, except for actual showing any pictures. This has probably to do with wrong directories.
    plog.php contains require('plogger/plogger.php'), the_plogger_head() and the_plogger_gallery().
    plog.php is in the root directory of the website, while the other ploggerfiles are inside plogger/-directory.

    Any tips?
    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2009

    What do you have for the Gallery URL in Admin -> Options? Make sure it is set up as for your installation.
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2009
    plogger/index.php redirects to plog.php yes. Try using instead, then the problem is just opposite - pics shows up, but sitelayout does not, because all layoutfiles are now in being searched for in wrong directories.

    For a reference, here are the contents of the files:

    <strong>plog.php</strong> (same as plogger/index2.php, but from websiteroot)
    include "top.php"; //for sitelayout
    include "meny.php"; //for sitelayout
    error_reporting(0); //to supress deprecated-warnings


    <strong>plogger/index2.php</strong> (same as plog.php, but from plogger-dir)
    include "../top.php"; //for sitelayout
    include "../meny.php"; //for sitelayout
    error_reporting(0); //to supress deprecated-warnings

    # BEGIN Plogger # END Plogger
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009

    Please try this. Open plog-includes/plog-functions.php and look for the following code on lines 601-612:
    if (!is_readable($source_file_name)) {
    return false;

    $imgdata = @getimagesize($source_file_name);

    if (!$imgdata) {
    // Unknown image format, bail out
    // Do we want to have video support in the Plogger core?
    //return 'plog-graphics/thumb-video.gif';
    return false;

    and change it to read this:
    if (!is_readable($source_file_name)) {
    return plog_tr('Cannot read image file!');

    $imgdata = @getimagesize($source_file_name);

    if (!$imgdata) {
    // Unknown image format, bail out
    // Do we want to have video support in the Plogger core?
    //return 'plog-graphics/thumb-video.gif';
    return plog_tr('Unknown image format!');

    Upload the edited file to your server and see what error message is output instead of the images. Let me know what you find out.
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009

    I have now deleted my old plogger/ and installed a fresh install of it, and changed those two return-lines you told me. But I can't see any of those two errormessages.
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009 edited

    Did you upgrade your Plogger gallery from the beta3 version? If so, did you run plog-admin/_upgrade.php? If not, I would suggest doing that and following the instructions as they are presented.

    p.s. if you "view source" it shows that the error is "Cannot read image file!" meaning that either the path is incorrect (which would be the case if your images have not been updated to the new path by using the _upgrade script) or that the file is not able to be read by the script. I would try the previous idea first before checking file permissions on the latter.
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009 edited
    Yes I now see that error "Cannot read image file!" too. I never had the betaversion. What I did now was to delete my old plogger-install (because I changed a few lines in the code), and install a new fresh install (_install.php). Both the old and new one are Version 1.0-RC1.
    I tried to set filepermission to 755 for plogger and all its subcontents, but no diff. I'm not sure which perms plogger requires, but now I have set it all to 777, to make sure there's no permission-issue.
    Does it matter that require('plogger/plogger.php'), the_plogger_head() and the_plogger_gallery() are run from a file from the websiteroot, and not from plogger-dir (which is a subdir from the wsroot) ? Becaue images ARE shown from
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009

    Can you possibly email me temporary FTP information (you can delete or change after I'm done testing)? My email address is sidtheduck SPLAT gmail DOT com. Something funky is going on with your server and I would like to opportunity to run some tests on your server variables if possible.
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009

    Thanks for the info. I was able to figure out that your website admin section uses a global variable called $config, which is also a global variable in Plogger. I did a quick and dirty search and replace on the Plogger files to change the $config global variable to the $plog_config global variable so the names no longer interfered with each other.
    Thankful People: Dani
    • CommentAuthorDani
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009
    Thank you!

    And in case any other experiences the same problem, I had a similar problem at first, because I had my own run_query()-function, which conflicted with plogger's run_query, so I searched and replaced the other to runquery().