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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2009 edited

    Are you using the 1.0-RC1 version? If not, please upload to that version as it is the latest stable release and may have these issues fixed for your server environment.

    Posted By: lair3601.] When I setup Plogger on a root directory and login, everything was working fine. But, in a couple of minutes (2-3 minutes), I was kicked out or logged out!
    I can't just leave the admin panel alone for 5 to 6 minutes and go to my kitchen. Nevertheless, I was also kicked out of my admin panel when I hit the upload button.... just to upload my picture!
    I'm guessing this is a session issue. You will have to check with your webhost to see how they are handling $_SESSION cookies. It may also be a www. vs. non-www. URL and sessions (check what it is when you login and what it is when you are kicked out.

    Posted By: lair3602.] All htaccess (Plogger file) should have these. But, the codes is only an example...
    This .htaccess is generated if you click the Generate Cruft-Free URLs in the Admin -> Options tab and the permissions of the .htaccess file are such that Plogger can write to it. We don't always want this type of URL rewrites as some people prefer the old way with ?level=collection&id=1 (etc.)
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2009

    The only way I can test for sure on your server environment is if I can get temporary FTP access. If you would like for me to look at it, please send me FTP information to sidtheduck SPLAT gmail DOT com. After I'm done looking at it, you can delete or change the FTP credentials.