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    This is what I received from host

    <blockquote>I have posted your current stats, which shows your account is still using high CPU resources.

    prowr7 3.32 0.65 0.0
    Top Process %CPU 54.0 /usr/bin/php /home/prowr7/public_html/pwrestlingnews/imagery/index.php
    Top Process %CPU 12.0 /usr/bin/php /home/prowr7/public_html/pwrestlingnews/imagery/index.php
    Top Process %CPU 8.0 [php]

    CPU - 3.32
    memory - 0.65
    mySQL - 0.0

    So I think I need to remove anything that bots could be using. I have disabled the comments. Now I would like to remove RSS and the search function. Can someone please explain how I can do this. Thank you!
    • CommentAuthorAnnie
    • CommentTimeMar 4th 2010
    Hi Cornelius,

    I also wanted to remove the rss feed so this is what I did:

    I'm no expert with php so I've left a request to see if this is likely to cause any problems but so far it seems to be working OK. It's significantly reduced the number of pages that were being crawled. I didn't remove the search function.