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    Hi, I cannot find in the photo management where I enter in the photo details when uploading an image. Where is this located?? Thanks!
    • CommentAuthorchewbears
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2010
    "details" are you looking for? In the import tab each photo has a box for description and caption and the same is for the upload tab. Or are you looking for Photo Header details "EXIF" information?

    When you click "View image details" on the public page, there are several details to enter, including type of camera used, etc. There are no fields in the management area, on the upload page or otherwise, to enter information in these fields that I can locate. Where are they, please?
    • CommentAuthorchewbears
    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2010
    When you upload a photo there is some php code behind the scenes working "EXIFER" (in the lib folder). Exifer is reading the information from the picture header (EXIF Header specifically) and populating the database based on ploggers default fields from the EXIF header. So there is no way to edit them from the management area. You would have to do it from the SQL but then you are changing original information on the camera. So "Where are they, please?" They are in your photo, because they are from your camera. To edit them you would need a photo header editing program. I recommend EXIFutils very cheap, very easy to use. Or you will have to open up the SQL database and hand modify each record.
    In that case, since most of the fields are coming up without being populated, can you direct me to where I can turn off the "View Image Details" link? Thank you.
    • CommentTimeApr 1st 2010
    @theweblotus: In order to remove the View Image Details link, you need to edit the theme you are using.

    For the Default theme, you need to open picture.php in a plain text editor and look for lines 29-32:

    <p id="exif-toggle"><?php echo plogger_get_detail_link(); ?></p>
    <div id="exif-data-container">
    <?php echo generate_exif_table(plogger_get_picture_id()); ?>
    </div><!-- /exif-data-container -->

    Delete those lines, save the file, and reupload it to your server via FTP to the plog-content/themes/default folder, overwriting the existing file on the server. Then the View Image Details link will no longer show.

    For the Air theme, you would open picture.php in the plog-content/themes/air folder, delete lines 21-25, save and reupload to your server.

    For the Lucid theme, you would open picture.php in the plog-content/themes/lucid folder, delete lines 24-27, save and reupload to your server.
    Thank you--this was very helpful!

    I had to search around a lot to figure out how to then remove those options from the search query, but did locate them.

    One more question. When an image is brought up, if you click on it you get a full size .jpg image. Where is the file where that link is located? I am trying to find it so that I can have it open in a separate window so the website is not lost. Thanks!!
    Hi, I've stil not heard a reply from my previous question, and now I have a new problem.

    After installing and beginning to set up Plogger, it was decided to switch to a different domain name. The hosting account is the same, just a different domain name pointing to it. Now the database is not connected to the gallery page, and I cannot locate any place where this should be changed.

    I've tried to re-run the install file, but I only receive a message stating that Plogger is already installed. Please help!!!

    Thank you,

    • CommentTimeApr 10th 2010
    Posted By: theweblotusOne more question. When an image is brought up, if you click on it you get a full size .jpg image. Where is the file where that link is located? I am trying to find it so that I can have it open in a separate window so the website is not lost. Thanks!!

    It is located in the same theme file as the view image details link was (picture.php).

    For the Default theme, you need to open picture.php in a plain text editor and look for line 27:

    <a accesskey="v" href="<?php echo plogger_get_source_picture_url(); ?>"><img class="photos-large" src="<?php echo plogger_get_picture_thumb(THUMB_LARGE); ?>" width="<?php echo $thumb_width; ?>" height="<?php echo $thumb_height; ?>" title="<?php echo plogger_get_picture_caption('clean'); ?>" alt="<?php echo plogger_get_picture_caption('clean'); ?>" /></a>
    Change it to read:

    <a accesskey="v" href="<?php echo plogger_get_source_picture_url(); ?>" target="_blank"><img class="photos-large" src="<?php echo plogger_get_picture_thumb(THUMB_LARGE); ?>" width="<?php echo $thumb_width; ?>" height="<?php echo $thumb_height; ?>" title="<?php echo plogger_get_picture_caption('clean'); ?>" alt="<?php echo plogger_get_picture_caption('clean'); ?>" /></a>
    Save the file, and reupload it to your server via FTP to the plog-content/themes/default folder, overwriting the existing file on the server.

    For the Air theme, you would open picture.php in the plog-content/themes/air folder, change line 18 to the following, then save and reupload to your server.

    <a accesskey="v" href="<?php echo plogger_get_source_picture_url(); ?>" target="_blank"><img class="photos-large" src="<?php echo plogger_get_picture_thumb(THUMB_LARGE); ?>" width="<?php echo $thumb_width; ?>" height="<?php echo $thumb_height; ?>" title="<?php echo plogger_get_picture_caption('clean'); ?>" alt="<?php echo plogger_get_picture_caption('clean'); ?>" /></a>
    For the Lucid theme, you would open picture.php in the plog-content/themes/lucid folder, change line 20 to the following, then save and reupload to your server.

    <div id="picture-holder"><a accesskey="v" href="<?php echo plogger_get_source_picture_url(); ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $imgtag; ?></a></div>
    A word of caution - forcing any link to open in a new window creates accessibility/usability issues, as it breaks the Back button in a person's browser. You mention not wanting to "lose the website". Forcing that image to open in a new window does not allow your visitor to hit the Back button to return to your gallery page, so your website is indeed "lost" for that browser window. It is better to allow the link to open in the same window so they can return to your gallery easily.

    For more information on this, you can check out the following articles - both were written several years ago, but are still relevant today:

    Another reason for not opening the picture in a new window: Each person makes a choice while browsing whether they want sites to open in the same window or a new one. If they want it in a new window, they simply right click and choose "Open in new window". Don't take that choice away from them.
    Thank you!!!