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    • CommentAuthorMarden
    • CommentTimeMay 1st 2010
    I'm using the new version of Plogger and would like to hide the file names ( .jpg ). I've been over the forums searching for it, but can't find the right info.

    Anyone able to help out please.
    • CommentAuthorchewbears
    • CommentTimeMay 3rd 2010
    in your album.php in your themes do the following.

    Add this or replace it so that you cut off the jpg.
    $filename = str_replace(".jpg","",$filename);

    Then you need to add this. I do not know what the stock plogger looks like but if you need and can not figure this out post your album.php and I will fix it for you.
    print '</td><td nowrap><span class="info"><b>'. $filename . ' </b><br>' ;
    • CommentAuthorMarden
    • CommentTimeMay 9th 2010
    Hello Chewy. I tried to get that working, but it messes up my page. Not sure if I'm adding it in the right place or not. Plus, I have my gallery hacked to suit my website. Here's the code. It's the default theme.

    <?php plogger_get_header(); ?>

    <div id="thumbnail-container">

    <?php if (plogger_has_pictures()) : ?>
    <div id="overlay">&nbsp;</div>
    <ul class="slides">
    <?php while(plogger_has_pictures()) : plogger_load_picture();
    // Find thumbnail width/height
    $thumb_info = plogger_get_thumbnail_info();
    $thumb_width = $thumb_info['width']; // The width of the image. It is integer data type.
    $thumb_height = $thumb_info['height']; // The height of the image. It is an integer data type.
    $div_width = $thumb_width + 30; // Account for padding/border width
    $div_height = $thumb_height + 75; // Account for padding/border width
    // Generate XHTML with thumbnail and link to picture view
    $img_id = "thumb-".plogger_get_picture_id();
    $imgtag = '<img id="'.$img_id.'" onmouseout="document.getElementById(\'overlay\').style.visibility = \'hidden\';" onmouseover="display_overlay(\''.$img_id.'\', \''.plogger_picture_comment_count().'\')" class="photos" src="'.plogger_get_picture_thumb().'" width="'.$thumb_width.'" height="'.$thumb_height.'" title="'.plogger_get_picture_caption('clean').'" alt="'.plogger_get_picture_caption('clean').'" />';
    <li class="thumbnail">
    <div class="tag" style="width: <?php echo $div_width; ?>px; height: <?php echo $div_height; ?>px;">
    <a href="<?php echo plogger_get_picture_url(); ?>"><?php echo $imgtag; ?></a><br />
    <span><?php echo plogger_get_picture_caption(); ?> <?php echo plogger_download_checkbox(plogger_get_picture_id()); ?></span>
    </div><!-- /tag -->
    </li><!-- /thumbnail -->
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    </ul><!-- /slides -->
    <?php else : ?>
    <div id="no-pictures-msg">
    <h2><?php echo plog_tr('No Images') ?></h2>
    <p><?php echo plog_tr('Sorry, but there are no images in this album yet.') ?></p>
    </div><!-- /no-pictures-msg -->
    <?php endif; ?>
    </div><!-- /thumbnail-container -->

    <?php plogger_get_footer(); ?>