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    • CommentAuthorlaopera
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2010 edited
    In attempting to remove a single photo from the database via phpMyAdmin, I accidentally dropped the whole plog_pictures table. I restored the database from a backup made the day before, but now when I try to load any link to the script (front or back end) I get:

    "Please run _install.php to set up Plogger. If you are upgrading from a previous version, please run _upgrade.php."

    I'm a little nervous about installing or upgrading from here because I think I've already got the most recent version of the script in there and I don't want to overwrite anything again. And before the database issue it was working fine.

    Suggestions appreciated.
    • CommentAuthorsockpuppet
    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2010
    Did you upgrade just before you killed the table? Was the backup pre upgrade days?