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    • CommentAuthorPtsAdmin
    • CommentTimeMar 26th 2011
    I've just started using Plogger. I imported some images and went to view my album using the View button. All thumbnails display, but when I click on about 1/3 of the images, the full-sized images themselves don't show, just the title and description. I've tried deleting the images in question and reimporting them, but it does no good. These images are not larger in size or in file size than any of the others. Anybody know what could be going on?
    • CommentAuthorPtsAdmin
    • CommentTimeMar 26th 2011 edited
    Resolved. Disabled Intermediate Images option.
    • CommentAuthorcarminejg3
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2011
    I'm also experencing this issue. What I have noticed is under the thumbs folders for each album/collection, it looks like plogger creates to sets of thumbs. small and large. What its failing to do is create most of the large thumbs, therefor they are not showing up in the gallery when you are previewing the images.

    I dont know if this is a bug or an option for plogger to save diskspace. I would prefer that both small and large images are created.
    • CommentAuthorcarminejg3
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2011
    Ok... What happens is that the option to create imtermediate images was unchecked, as a default option. Therefor when testing our image gallery the images where not created. Then if you have the option - Allow Full Image Access: unchecked your images don't show up.

    A nice fix to this would be a rebuild thumbs option, to allow a gallery user the ability to rebuild all thumbs, to configure to the new image sizes and not restrain the images with smaller sizes. Even if this is done on a loop of recreate 10 to 50 images at a time then wait X amount of time to continue the process.
    • CommentAuthorPtsAdmin
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2011
    Thanks for the explanation!