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    • CommentAuthorclaumer
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2011
    Hello! I thought it would be much better to start my own gallery for my photos, rather than a flickr photo stream...
    Could I have been that misled?
    The situation is:

    1) I created a subdomain, using the OPS Subdomain Mapping tool, and creating a /gallery/ folder outside my main htdocs, which has its own /htdocs/ inside, thus making my root something like:
    The subdomain worked fine, and the test index page I uploaded appeared every time someone visited the subdomain.

    2) I uploaded the Plogger files into the /gallery/htdocs/ folder and run the Plogger installation. Which completed in success.

    3) I log into Plogger.

    4) I see the Plogger option tabs - BUT...

    Whenever I try to click on any of these tabs to manage my galleries (...Manage/ etc) I get sent back to the login screen - where I am asked to log in again and so on and so on...
    I am not using any .htaccess because I thought the easy way would work this time.
    Do you think this could be messing up my Plogger funtionality?
    • CommentAuthorningrate
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2011
    login to admin -> option -> replace gallery URL to you sub domain , but have still problem if u want to click album at frontpage...

    any solution, please