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    • CommentAuthorcctval
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2006
    Does anybody have a script to display an enlarged random picture on the album or collection level?

    You know when you visit your collections level, or even your albums level page ... the page looks really empty if you only have a couple of albums. It would be nice to be able to show not only the thumbnails which link to albums, but also a random image, so that users have something to look at when they first load the page.

    Please, I would really appreciate your help in this one


    • CommentAuthorffd8
    • CommentTimeNov 5th 2009 edited
    BUMP to this question - I'm also very interested in how to create a 'random full size image from entire collection' - I know it should be done on a query function level... just a bit lost on where that should be placed as a global function. I'll keep digging and post any success, but anyone have a simple answer for this?

    NEVERMIND - managed to find a proper thread located here: