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    Please help! Plogger is not allowing me upload any images to my gallery. Is there a phone number I can call for technical support?
    • CommentAuthorjoemolloy
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2014
    Hi Kimberley, I've been using Plogger for 5 years (happily with few problems). I've never come across being able to get Technical Support on the phone. Maybe you could describe a bit more in reply to this post.

    Have you got any photos in your gallery, or are you a new starter?
    What version are your running?
    Do you see any error messages?
    Describe step by step how you are attempting to upload.

    I am not very technical so may not be much help. But other users might if you share some more detail.
    • CommentTimeApr 2nd 2015 edited
    I have a simular problem. Been having it since 2011 and still no fix. I have about 10.000 images in my plogger db but for some reason plogger says I have no collections or albums so I can't add anything. Any tips?