I can't give it a name since it is an external theme for Vanilla. The ones that can be installed on the server can be given names. Anyway mine is at... http://www.dotquantum.com/images/plogger/ and you can use it if you like. Although its really just a modified theme of Camp found on the first link on this page. http://lussumo.com/docs/doku.php?id=vanilla:styles
Ben, i have 1024x768 resolution on my syste, and have the google desktop side panel in right. google desktop eats about 160 pixels in the total resolution so i get only 1024-160=an 864 window(IE). In this resolution, when i see the user page (http://plogger.org/forum/account.php?u=1) I see that the role assigned part is coming down. Not a big issue but if you can fix it, it will look perfect and yes I am seeing the new colors.
You can see it here ben, (i have disabled my google desktop before taking the screenshot) http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/5420/clipboard020vi.png As the width of the window reduces, that right part is moving down. I hope you got it this time.