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    • CommentAuthorantee
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2006
    Since i layed my eyes on plogger ive worked on my own webserver to have all my photos on and displaying them with plogger...

    Now to my problem from what i can see everything is fine with my apache/php/mysql config but plogger still gives me this error when trying to make a "collection"

    "Field 'thumbnail_id' doesn't have a default value

    INSERT INTO plogger_collections (`name`,`description`,`id`,`path`) VALUES ('2004', '', '', '2004')"

    running it on a Win 2000 Server, Apache 2.0.55, MySQL 5.0.19, PHP 5.1.2

    anyone have any ideas? feels like ive tryed everything!
    (started to play with apache/mysql/php this weekend so everything is prolly not that much as im kind of a noob :p)


    • CommentAuthorhcgtv
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2006

    I run the same thing on my Windows XP laptop.

    If you change this:
    # Set the SQL mode to strict

    To this:
    # Set the SQL mode to strict

    In your my.ini file, then it will be ok.
    • CommentAuthorantee
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2006 edited
    Thanks for taking your time hcgtv :)

    When i replaced the code with the one you told me to i managed to make one collection but i cant make another one! when trying to do that it says

    "Duplicate entry '0' for key 1

    INSERT INTO plogger_collections (`name`,`description`,`id`,`path`) VALUES ('2005', '', '', '2005')"

    i also get som wierd errors at the top when looking at my pictures (who displays just fine)

    "Notice: Undefined index: level in C:ServerApache2Apache2htdocsMonkeyBgallery.php on line 38"

    "Notice: Undefined variable: rss_link in C:ServerApache2Apache2htdocsMonkeyBgallery.php on line 635"

    creating albums in the one collection i made works just fine

    thanks again!
    • CommentAuthorhcgtv
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2006

    Remove the tables and re-install Plogger, then see what happens.

    If you don't have it, install phpMyAdmin to help you with database maintenance.
    • CommentAuthorantee
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2006
    Hi again hcgtv!

    Did what you told me and it worked like a charm still got som error messages in the header but i change the "error sensitivity" and it took care of that! :)

    Got a new problem now though (doh) importing images takes forever!

    The server is a 1ghz with 512mb ram and to import 50 pictures takes like 10 min and php-cgi.exe takes up 100% of the cpu power when importing.. feels like the GD process is at fault as the same phenomena appears when i change the thumb size and reload the page.

    When i finaly get the pictures imported everything works fine and goes smooth.

    Could the problem be that im running php as cgi? maybe i should run it as a module instead? anyway ill appreciate any help you can throw at me!


    (sorry for any spelling errors)
    • CommentAuthorhcgtv
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2006

    I noticed the same thing when importing images and I use php as a module.

    Don't know the answer to this, maybe the developers could chime in.

    Glad you got everything working ok.
    • CommentAuthorantee
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2006

    Ok mate thanks again for all your help! :)

    Comon people help me and hcgtv get a smoother/faster import function in plogger! It whould mean the world to us! :p
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2006 edited
    Anti has developed a really nice "import progress" interface for the next version. The page loads instantly, and the thumbnails are generated one by one (with a percentage reading) using AJAX.

    We can't really do anything about the speed of generating thumbnails, as it is a CPU/RAM intensive process no matter how you slice it. However, we think the improved import UI will make the wait much more bearable =)
    • CommentAuthorantee
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2006
    Ok mike thanks for your answer and it does sound good!

    As a matter of a fact ive been hearing alot of good stuff about the next version of plogger.. cant wait for it to be released!