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    • CommentAuthorwesman
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2006
    Is it possible to add HTML content to each album so it appears on each image page within that album?


    Say I wanted to add a table of info that would appear above the thumbnails when you entered a album.

    How much custom work would this take?

    Do you know of any photo gallery software that does it already?

    Thanks for any ideas.
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2006
    It is very possible, but not something you should expect to see in Plogger itself. Add a column to albums table with the data, and when you call the image, also call the data from the corresponding album. You might even be able to do a table JOIN and call it all from the photos table itself, but that's likely more trouble than its worth.

    Then echo the data whereever you would like.
