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    • CommentAuthorvortical
    • CommentTimeApr 5th 2006
    My slideshow functionality is sketchy... on most of the albums it works great, but on certain albums it just sits with a blank box where the picture should be. The albums that seem to be not working quite correctly are those with the most recent pictures... so I get lots of complaints :-(

    My gallery address is:

    One of the albums that doesn't work with slideshow is the Recent Pictures album in the Recent Pictures collection.

    I'm still very new to plogger, and PHP in general, so any help is greatly appreciated!
    • CommentTimeApr 6th 2006
    I think you found a bug. The JavaScript is bugging out because some of your captions have quotes in them, and Plogger doesn't escape the quotes before generating the Javascript... this causes parse errors and a subsequent blank box.

    A workaround for now would be to remove double quotes from your picture captions. For example, "Mommy, I have food in my face" ... remove those quotes from the caption and any other ones that have them and the slideshow will load fine.
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeApr 6th 2006
    Try using:

    Don't remember how heavily it got htmlentities()-ified, so it may or may not work.

    • CommentAuthorvortical
    • CommentTimeApr 9th 2006
    Thanks for the explanation... at least now I know it's not something I screwed up with my plogger install.

    Where would I put the "&#quot;" to see if it works?
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeApr 10th 2006
    In the caption; though, if you're running Beta 3, I'm about to release a patch to svn. If not, contact me, I'll help you fix it.
