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    • CommentAuthoran-erd
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2006 edited
    I experienced the problem, that all images in the current album are touched or generated when the slideshow is started.
    The images got a new time stamp, but do not change.

    Unfortunately, my provides uses a setting in php.ini (max_execution_time of 30 secs), which then gives an error message (Error 500 Premature end of script headers: index.php). In that album are >70 images.

    When using the slideshow feature in a smaller album, everything works fine, but again, the images are touched.

    I appreciate any help to solve the problem,

    • CommentAuthoran-erd
    • CommentTimeJun 27th 2006

    does nobody have the same problem?

    How long does it take for you, if you start a slideshow on a album with >70 pictures?

    • CommentAuthorTommy M
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2006
    Hi, I've recently noticed this problem too with a fresh install of beta2.1.

    I've think the error is coming from an if conditional on line 69 in plog-functions.php

    ($thumb_config['filename_prefix'] != '' && $thumb_config['size'] != $width)

    I believe the situation can arise a couple of ways:

    1) when a thumbnail is generated by specifying the height instead of the width (ie. $phpThumb->h = $thumb_config['size'];), for example when not using squared thumbs. This will allow a large thumb to be generated that has a width different than $thumb_config['size'].

    2) when uploading a image already smaller than the thumbnail size. It seems that plogger won't make the image bigger and the image isn't resized.

    In both cases the condition above always evaluates to true and the thumb is generated everytime the image is viewed.

    The function might benefit from a slight rewrite (for all I know beta 3 might have sorted this)

    Hacks (not fully tested):

    1) replace the above code with:

    ($thumb_config['filename_prefix'] != '' && $thumb_config['size'] != $width && $thumb_config['size'] != $height)

    which checks that both the width and height don't match the

    2) ensure that your images are larger than the specified thumbnail width.
    This should be solvable by turning on thumbnail enlargment

    $phpThumb->aoe = true;

    but for some reason it didn't work on my test setup.

    Any other ideas, specifically for 2 which is probably a lot more common.
