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    hi there.

    after i integrated plogger to wordpress, i got some problems with the thumbnails. the script doesn't create them .. as you can see: does anyone know why? i changed the chmod to 777, oh yeah, and i changed every single file to 777 in my desperation .. another problem i got is that i can't change the font size. it's much too big for me, for example here: they all look like 12pt, but they should be 10pt, like the articles on wordpress. i already tried editing gallery.css, but that doesn't work. it only changed the font size at the search button.

    thanks for your help.
    hi there,

    thanks chalky, but how shall i change the permissions on the thumbnail files when there are no thumbnail files? :( i could only create and modify the thumbnails on my own (that means resize all the images twice (because there are two (or three?) thumbnail sizes and upload them in the fitting directory). but it sounds like a lot of work. what did you exactly do? were there thumbnails in your thumbs-folder? i mean, look at this. there are no thumbnail files .. :(


    edit: i found a folder called 'phpThumb' in the /plogger/lib/ folder. is this important for me and my problem? do i have to read the things and configurate it, or what is this about?
    • CommentTimeJul 5th 2006
    Don't worry about that phpThumb folder. Did you make sure that your /thumbs/ directory is writable? Try setting permissions on the directory itself, 777 if all else fails. I have a feeling the thumbnails aren't being allowed to store to disk. I checked your original files, and I have no problem accessing those, so I am leaning towards it being a write problem and not a read problem.
    ok, i checked the /thumbs/ directory. yep, it's permissions are 777. i changed to 644 and back to 777, just to be sure that this is not the problem. then i uploaded a file with the upload-function in the plogger admin panel. this was the picture. at first, there was the forbidden error. i checked the permissions on this image via ftp and found out that it was 600, i read something about this problem earlier, but i don't mind at the moment and i changed it to 644, so that everyone could see it. and it worked. i hoped the thumbs would work, and so i checked the gallery page. if you click on the image (16-049.jpg), you'll se it won't work. and i don't know why ._.

    after this, i tried to import an image, and so did i. the image. same problem here, except the permissions thing, the chmod was already 644. do you, mike, know what's the problem? and if this whole thumb problem is not about the /thumbs/ directory, what is it? and why do i have the gallery twice on the gallery page? :(

    sorry for all my questions, but thank you for your help.

    hi therre, anyone?!