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    • CommentAuthorJonRouston
    • CommentTimeJul 4th 2006 edited
    Hello! Apologies if this is in the wrong category.

    I tried modifying my gallery.php to do a few things, but most of all to replace the filenames with captions. I followed the advice of ddjong and mortum in this thread:

    But no matter where I change the values for 'truncate' (in the admin) I seem to be stuck with long filenames that throw my formatting out, like here:

    Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance

    EDIT: Actually, it appears to be truncating the 'filenames' but not the 'captions'. You can see what I mean here: First thre photos are filenames which are truncated, fourth photo is captioned and not truncated!

    any ideas?