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    • CommentAuthorWesley
    • CommentTimeJul 6th 2006
    Hi guys,

    I have a problem with intergrating Word Press with Plogger.
    I searched the forum before and I founded a tutorial to do this but the index.php shows a double header.

    Here is a screenshot of the double header :

    I've done the tutorial a few times and I really don't know what I'm doing wrong.
    Could somebody please help me ?
    Hi Wesley,

    did you manage to get this sorted? It often depends on the theme you're using. I got 6 different galleries when I used Kanji!

    If not do you want to post your code (of your index.php) and we can try to sort it?
    i had the same problem, at me, it was about an unneeded <div> tag. look if there's a <div> you don't need and try to remove it, or simply post the code in here ;)