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    • CommentAuthorbjl6d
    • CommentTimeJul 6th 2006
    Sorry that this post is specific to my site, but can someone please explain to me why the background is not lining up correctly on my site?

    It looks fine in Firefox, but IE seems to be putting some sort of margin or padding around it such that things are moving over around 35 pixels or so (rough estimate). You can tell because there's a gray line that goes right through my links, though it should be to the left of the links. You can also tell very clearly when you scroll to the bottom and look at the footer.

    My guess is that there is something funky with my CSS file, but I can't figure out what. Visit to see how the site should look.

    Lastly, I just want to say thank you if any of the plogger developers are reading this. I've been searching for a while now for a good photo album, and this was SO EASY to integrate into my site!! You barely had to know any code AT ALL. Purely amazing.
    • CommentAuthorbjl6d
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2006
    No? No one has any idea what's going on?
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2006
    Search "gallery.php" for "750px". Remove that whole "style" attribute, save, refresh.

    - Derek
    • CommentAuthorbjl6d
    • CommentTimeJul 8th 2006
    Absolutely amazing. It was in index.php - I don't even know where that style attribute came from because it's not in any of my other templates. Here I am racking my brain over the css file.

    Thank you so much.