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    • CommentAuthorjcb3030
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2006
    I'd like to upload original uncompresseed images to my gallery so that users can download them and order decent quality prints. However, I'm quickly running out of space on my server doing this. Is there any way that Plogger can compress the original image to save on web server space, yet still offer the full-size image? Any other suggestions for hosting hundereds of (3MB+) jpegs more efficiently?

    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2006
    DreamHost gives 20Gb of space for a base account. You can use the Plogger promo code to get a discount and help the project.

    Can the image be compressed on upload? Yes.
    Will it remain full-sized? Yes.
    Will the image quality suffer? Yes.

    It would require modifying Plogger to not save the initial image but instead replace it with a compressed copy through phpThumb. Shouldn't be very difficult, and you can consult the phpThumb docs for some good examples.
