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    • CommentAuthoroink
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2006

    I´ve tried a lot of things here now, and while trying to import pictures, I get this error message: (I use Safari on Mac, tried other browsers and WINXP as well, but then I only get a blank screen and still won´t upload)

    Safari cant´t open site «». Error was: «lost network connection» (NSURLErrorDomain:-1005) Chose Send errorreport tol Apple from Safari-menu, note errornumber, and describe what you did before this message was shown.

    (This error message is translated from Norwegian by the way.)

    I can´t understand why it says "lost network connection".
    I´ve tried other galleries as well, and same thing happens.

    Does anyone know how to fix this?
    I get if if I manually upload one and one picture too.
    ISP coulnd´t help me either :(
    • CommentAuthoroink
    • CommentTimeJul 28th 2006
    Yeah well, to h*** with it, I´ll use some other gallery.