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    How do i go about removing the checkboxes from under the image thumbnails?. I was successfully able to remove the filenames from the page but I searched this forum and didn't see it. My appologies if this is a repost.
    Figured it out. I just commented out any if functions with "checkbox" in it.

    Time for the 'Comments' part
    • CommentTimeJul 25th 2006
    All you needed to do to remove the checkboxes was log into the admin interface, go to Options, scroll down to the Interface Options section, and uncheck the box to the right of Allow Compressed Recursive Downloads. Those checkboxes are there to allow people to choose what images they would like to download.

    If you want the Comments section not to show, the next option in the admin section under Downloads is Allow User Comments? (will override individual settings) - uncheck the box and the comments section won't show up anymore.