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    • CommentAuthorMrono
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2006
    I integrated lightbox into the latest beta, didn't care for the one that came with the beta. I've been having some issues, the main one is I have no overlay when it appears, it shows up all right but theres no grey overlay behind it. I've muddled around alot with a bit of the code so i'm not sure if I changed something that made this happen, i'm going upload the svn again tomorrow and try from scratch. Until then...

    Any ideas?
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2006
    Don't re-checkout the svn... the problem is a css namespacing conflict between Plogger and Lightbox.

    Plogger puts boxes in the corners of thumbnails in albums and collections. These boxes have (incorrectly, upon reflection) an ID of "overlay" and appropriate styling.

    Lightbox puts a giant div behind everything with an opaque background. This too, however, has an ID of "overlay".

    FIrst, "how did you know?" Well, I had an idea where to look, but really I just used the Firefox DOM Inspector to examine the DOM and find the big "overlay" div. Looking at the styling, it was being styled twice... and the first style was giving it "visibility:none;". Removing this rule immediately caused the div to appear correctly. The FF DOMI is like a web dev superhero.

    Second, "how can I resolve this?" Well, the easiest way would be to give both rules (particularly the former) more specificity so that it does not interfere with the other. However, you could also rename the Lightbox "overlay" in script and css and just avoid the overlap altogether.

    Hope that helps,