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    • CommentAuthorbran
    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2006
    I've created an empty database called plogger, I have sessions enabled (they r stored at c:tempsessions and show up there), but when I log in to the admin-userface all I get is this text ..

    2147483647) $top = $top - 4294967296; //this makes the number signed instead of unsigned if($bottom!=0) $data=$top/$bottom; else if($top==0) $data = 0; else $data=$top."/".$bottom; if(($tag=="011a" || $tag=="011b") && $bottom==1) { //XResolution YResolution $data=$top." dots per

    Etc etc...

    And then further down I see the logo etc and a box telling me to create one collection etc. But when I press manage I get thrown out to the loginpage again.

    Here is a picture of it:

    What can be wrong? If i go to the gallerypage, I see it fine, but ofc without pictures or anything, and the searchfunction seems to be working.
    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2006
    Check out one of these discussions for the solution: