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    • CommentAuthorcrowds
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2006
    This is applicable for the current version of Plogger (v 2.1 beta)
    I have created a small mod/script to allow more than one instance of plogger to be installed on the same MYSQL database. It requires a few pages to be overwritten and the creation of a new (extra) cofig page.

    Basicaly it means you can enter your own MYSQL table prefix but DOES require a seperate version of the plogger install folder on your webserver for every instance of the gallery.

    This would be handy if you run several domains that require a seperate gallery from the same webserver.

    I made it because it was something I needed and thought I would share :-)
    It has not been tested on any other versions. But if it doesn't work on a prior version it would be very simple to adjust...

    It can be found here
