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    • CommentAuthorruizit0
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2005
    hi . . im translating the admin to my native lang. . but when i change some buttons they stop working . .

    for example:
    <input class="submit" type="submit" name="action" onClick="return confirm('Tem a certeza que deseja apagar itens selecionados?');"
    value="Delete Checked">

    <input class="submit" type="submit" name="action" onClick="return confirm('Tem a certeza que deseja apagar itens selecionados?');"
    value="Apagar selecionados">

    stops working .. when i change only the value . ..
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2005
    In plog-manage.php at Line 153, you'll find that "Delete Checked" is the hook for the deletion function:
    if ($_REQUEST["action"]== "Delete Checked")

    So, if you want to change the values of the buttons, then you also have to change the "hooks" to match. (They're basically procedural event handlers; "if" this button was pressed, "then" perform this action.) With luck, there may be an internationalization/labeling system in the next Beta. Until then, I think you'll have to find the hooks and change them by hand.

    Or, you could create a new PHP file to include_once above the admin PHP script, that converted from your language back into to the standard hooks. e.g.
    if ($_REQUEST("action") == ""Apagar selecionados") {
    $_REQUEST("action") = "Delete Checked"; }

    This way they would appear in your language but Plogger would understand the originals. This would have to be done BEFORE Plogger tried to read the values, though, so would go at the top of one of the admin scripts.

    Sorry, I know it's a rudimentary solution, but I don't think this has yet been integrated into Plogger itself.


    PS. Are there tags to include <pre> text like <code> on this forum software? I've never used this before, and I keep posting CSS/PHP/XHTML. I've found you can't use XHTML, so something else would be welcome.
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2005 edited
    The forum accepts HTML in the comments, so <pre> and <code> should work.

    <a href="test.html" title="test">Test Link</a>
    <li>Test 1</li>
    <li>Test 2</li>

    Works fine for me.

    Oh, and Derek is right about Plogger using those input values as hooks to determine certain actions. When you change them to something else, you will have to change that conditional in plog-manage.php to get it to be recognized.

    Our internationalization system will take care of this problem (Beta 3)
    • CommentAuthorruizit0
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2005 edited

    great! i already found some missing little things during my translation. . like ..

    Allow_comments check isnt working. .
    and i cant find the value to translate it
    some more values i cant find like Captation and Filename. .
    this on photos inside albuns Manage. .
    and some collections manage like Description and Name
    O_o lol . .so weird. .
    and some more buttons missing values :
    well ill wait for a next version . . .
    btw my big big problem is the special characters :
    i cant add Ã? and Ã? to some values because it doesnt recognise it ..
    maybe some way to fix that in next version .. for suporting portuguese language :|
    thanks all
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2005 edited
    Do you actually see the markup, or the XHTML elements (as in the unordered list and links above)? Because it's converting all of the HTML entities for me, which means if I marked something up as <code> or <pre>, nothing would actually change (I couldn't use indents, etc), you would just see plain text.

    But maybe I'm just crazy. Thanks Mike.

    • CommentAuthorruizit0
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2005
    ahh for now i solved my special characters problem with the
    etc stuff :
    more harder .. but better then nothing lol :
    • CommentAuthorruizit0
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2005
    but for make it 100% perfect annyone knows where i can find that missing values ? for translate it :|
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2005
    I see markup. It doesn't convert it to HTML elements for me. Do you see rendered HTML?

    Ruizit: Here is a reference page for HTML entities:
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2005 edited
    No, I see the markup, too. But what I meant was whether I was able to use a <pre> or <code> tag to format code differently from the rest of my post, or whether the there was some similar BB-based markup.

    At least that's solved. Thanks again Mike.


    Edit: And a tip for Ruizit, if you use HTML entities in your values, you'll need to use them in the hooks as well. Going from one to another won't work, because PHP doesn't see them (rightly) as the same thing.