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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentAuthoroldgoat
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2008
    Windows 2003, PHP 5.2.5
    I've got the extension=php_gd2.dll uncommented, php_gd2.dll is present in the extensions folder.
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2008
    Is this a private server with a webhost, or a local development server?
    • CommentAuthoroldgoat
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2008
    It's currently on one of our internal webservers, but will be moving to one of our external servers soon.
    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2008
    Do you have any other programs installed on the internal webserver that require GD or a mySQL database?
    • CommentAuthoroldgoat
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2008 edited
    Well, I've solved the GD issue by changing the extension_dir variable.
    Weird thing is that whilst php_info clearly shows mysqli installed and functioning, plogger install page still is looking for mysql.
    The folder that GD works from now has both mysql and mysqli dlls in place.

    This paticular server only has the one site using mysql . All others use ms sql or oracle .

    Oppps! my bad. It didn't occur to me that plogger was specifically looking for mysql, and doesn't need mysqli..... sorted now.