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    • CommentAuthorzikoriats
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2009
    Iīm trying to get plogger in to my gallery, but when I put this:

    First line of HTML file -> <?php require("gallery.php"); ?>
    In HEAD section of HTML -> <?php the_gallery_head(); ?>
    Somewhere in BODY section -> <?php the_gallery(); ?>

    into my html-document and name it to gallery.php instead of gallery.html the page went blank. I donīt know to find where the problem is? Can anybody help me? Itīs only like this when I named it to .php
    I need every help I can get!

    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2009

    On the first line of HTML file, you need to include the path to the Plogger install. If it's in a subfolder to the gallery.html / php file that you created, your first line would be:
    <?php require("subfolder_name/gallery.php"); ?>
    Where you replace subfolder_name with the name of your subfolder. I'm guessing it's not finding the file, throwing an error (due to the require command), but your error_reporting variable in your server system settings is set up to repress any error messages, so you end up with a blank page.
    • CommentAuthorzikoriats
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2009
    Thanks for your quick answer, but still it didnīt work. Now, Iīve tried to write like you said;
    <?php require("/Users/name/Desktop/Homepage/gallery.php"); ?>
    and Iīve also tried just the subfolder like:
    <?php require("Homepage/gallery.php"); ?>
    but I gues itīs not right eithter because itīs still not working. Iīm not good in cooding så please help me out!
    Do I have to change anything else and what am I doing wrong?
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2009 edited
    Try this:
    <?php require(dirname(__FILE__).'/Homepage/gallery.php'); ?>
    It may be that your server's include_path setting is not set for your root folder, so this will return the absolute path to the subfolder instead of a relative path.

    Edit: just to make sure, your renamed 'gallery.php' is not in the same folder as the Plogger 'gallery.php' is it? Are you overwriting the file you are trying to include?
    • CommentAuthorzikoriats
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2009
    can you be more specified? Iīm really not good in this. Please say exactly what I shoud write and I try it. Does it matter that I work in Mac? About the file-name.. Maybe I should write it different in Mac?

    Ok, should I overwrite it? My file is named galleri.php in the folder "Homepage" and in plogger itīs gallery.php in the folder "Plogger". should I name it to gallery.php to? Should I put it in the plogger folder?
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2009 edited
    Okay, so the file you want it in has the folder path:

    The Plogger installation is along the path:

    Is that correct?
    • CommentAuthorzikoriats
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2009
    yes something like that yes. the only difference is that plogger is called ploggerb3 at my computer.. so its; /Users/my name/Desktop/Homepage/ploggerb3/

    Earlier the plogger folder was on the desktop but I moved it to my folder "Homepage" instead.
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2009 edited
    Okay, then the code in the file /Users/name/Desktop/Homepage/gallery.php should be:
    <?php require(dirname(__FILE__).'/ploggerb3/gallery.php'); ?>

    dirname(__FILE__) returns the current working directory (so the same directory as the file where you are writing the code). Then you need to go 1 subfolder deep to "/ploggerb3/" and find the file "gallery.php"
    Thankful People: zikoriats
    • CommentAuthorzikoriats
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2009
    yeah! awsome! thanks! its working. its not blank anymore. but then I got a few more questions:
    Iīve already built a gallery in dreamweaver so I only want plogger to stay in one of thoose table. Can I fix it?
    And all stuff that appears when I go to my plogger gallery like "search" and "jump to" can I make them disipear? I only want my maps I create in plogger.. not all other stuff..

    sorry for my bad english.
    • CommentAuthorzikoriats
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2009
    do Iīve to got date and stuff like that at the page to? I canīt make them dissepear in options?
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2009

    All of this is located within the theme files. Just open up the theme files 'collection.php' for collections, 'album.php' for albums, 'picture.php' for pictures, 'header.php' for the shared header, and 'footer.php' for the shared footer. Just remove the functions that are in there that you don't want. They should be named similar to what they do (generate_search_box() in 'header.php' is the "search" that you are talking about).