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    • CommentAuthorwmmead
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2005
    Hi, this is a great script by the way. Fairly easy to install and set up. Nicely done!

    Now, I am wondering if it is possible to have two separate galleries on the same web site. Obviously, I could install plogger twice, in two different directories, and have each hook into a separate database, but how does the gallery.php work? How would if find the right gallery? Would I just change the name of the second gallery to gallery2.php? and also change the line on my web page? Would that just completely mess things up?
    • CommentAuthorjack
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2005
    I don't have Plogger 'with me' at the moment, but there is a place where you can fill in the path to your Plogger gallery. That's it. The would come down to installing Plogger twice in a seperate database, or the same database and changing the table_prefix.
    • CommentAuthorpedron
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2005
    Hi wmmead:

    You could treat each collection as its own gallery. I don't think you would need a separate instance.
    • CommentAuthorjack
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2005
    Another idea would be to disable the thumbnail navigation of collections and albums, and code the links to the seperate albums yourself. This way you can decide which album belongs to which part of your site, while all albums still belong to one installation.
    • CommentAuthorshaun
    • CommentTimeNov 29th 2005
    Hi Wmmead

    I want to have two galleries on my server as well one private and one public.
    Did you manage to do it?