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    I'm able to log in to Plogger through index.php but when i try to upload a file or click on any of the tabs it again asks for the password. I put it in again but the same thing, like it's not taking the password.

    I searched the forum and found a thread about changing my password through PHPMyAdmin which I did successfully, or so it seemed. No luck. Same problem.

    What's the deal?
    • CommentTimeApr 1st 2009
    It seems to be an issue with your sessions. What is your webhost?
    it's hosted on iPowerWeb.
    • CommentTimeApr 1st 2009
    Here's a previous fix for iPowerweb for another user.

    Also, you can download the latest script from the SVN and we have set up a flag in the new plog-config.php that easily allows you to change the session.save_path for the entire Plogger script (plus it has a bunch of fixes). We're getting close to releasing it publicly, so it's quite stable at the moment.
    thank you Sid. got it working by following this other thread. much appreciated.
    • CommentAuthorschoelli
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009
    Hi Sid
    I've got the same problem! I installed/upgraded it many times with many diffrent settings. The last time i uploaded only trunk r601 and installed it. I still have the same problem: It's not taking the username/password. :-(

    The Gallery is located at:

    I know i should set the sessions.savepath in my plog-config.php but to what exatly?
    Would be very nice if you could help me!

    Thank you and best regards, Schoelli
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009

    Can you log in at all? If so, once logged in, click the Show Server Info link in the upper right of page. In that box, it will show you exactly what your session save path is. Copy that info and paste it into your plog-config.php file on the line containing define('PLOGGER_SESSION_SAVE_PATH', '');, between the ''.

    Save and upload that file to your server, then try logging in again and see if that fixes the issue for you.
    • CommentAuthorschoelli
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009 edited
    Thank you for your answer! But, sadly i was never able to log in at all....after i filled out the form, uploaded the plog-config.php and click proceed.... it says "plogger is already installed. On a diffrent server, on which it's working it does give me a screen with the entered username and password and afterwards i'm able to log in. But not on the server...
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009 edited
    Okay, there's another way to find out what your session save path is. Open a plain text editor (like Notepad) and paste the following code into it:

    <?php phpinfo(); ?>
    Save that file with the name phpinfo.php and upload it to the root of your domain, then access it via your web browser.

    You need to scroll down to the section called session and look for session.save_path. That line will list what your session save path is. Copy that info into your plog-config.php file.

    Be sure to delete the phpinfo.php file from your server once you have the information you need.
    • CommentAuthorschoelli
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009 edited
    It does say /tmp but when i write this to plog-config.php it does give me the same "error" back that plogger is allready installed....any more suggestions?
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2009
    If you can upload the phpinfo.php file one more time to the server and access it, look for DOCUMENT_ROOT under Environment. It will list the path from the root of your account to the folder where you store your files for display on the web (i.e., /home/accountname/public_html). The full path before the public_html folder (i.e., /home/accountname) is what needs to go before /tmp in your plog-config.php file (i.e., /home/accountname/tmp).

    Let me know if this helps.
    • CommentTimeJul 13th 2009 edited
    Posted By: schoelliI've got the same problem! I installed/upgraded it many times with many diffrent settings. The last time i uploaded only trunk r601 and installed it.
    Did you start with a fresh database when you installed trunk r601? If not, the repeated installs may have created a few different rows in the plogger_config table which causes issues with loggin in (a bug in the beta3 release that was fixed in the trunk awhile ago). If not, try deleting the plogger database and start fresh.